Review for You're appealing to emotions that I simply do not have, right?

You're appealing to emotions that I simply do not have, right?

(#) Rae_She_Writes 2007-06-23

Whoo! Rock on Vicki!
but poor Pete. i have no clue why I am feeling sorry for someone who is acting like a son of a bitch, but someone get him some benadryl and tissues.
I hope they get back together, but then what would happen to Charlie? Pete certainly couldn;t keep him around, could he? That would mean multiple allergy problems.
What am I going off on, I don;t even know if they are going to get together.
but now I feel bad for Vicki too.
she had to say goodbye, so sad.
But I mean, she knows she has to, right?
I am probably chewing your ear off but I love this. Worse than crack.
Way more addictive.
Sorry for the uber long review.
Will you update soon/