(#) BenRG 2007-07-10
Well, well! The best laid plans of mice and men (and wizards) eh? Harry came to avenge but he finds himself in the position where he is forced to /save/.
I've been following this story for a while and it intregues me for a number of reasons. Certainly it is different from the typical time travel and revenge stories. I will be interested to see where you take it.
What was particularly interesting about this story was Future!Harry's insight into the nature of magic and Luna's behaviour. Could she be getting a crush on Professor Harris? ;-)
BenRG's Rating: 8/10
Author's response
Yup, he tries to be a bastard but can't get past his saving people thing, can he? As for his insights, they were very hard won. Remember he used vast amounts of Dark magic in his old world and was condemned for it. BJH