Review for A Stranger in the Mirror

A Stranger in the Mirror

(#) zombianca 2007-07-13

I have a half sister I never met. My dad was sort of and my half sister is exactly 3 months younger than me. My mom and dad didn't get divorced until I was about 5 months old, so you can do the math with that one. My half sister lives with her mom and my dad, (who I only met once when I was two years old, so I really don't remember that either), and when I was 12, she made her presence known to me in a letter she sent.

I have always been more than welcome to come visit either my father or my half sister (they live in the Bahamas, I'm in the USA), but I never have. It's not that I hold any resentment towards either of Patrick says, Shit Happens haha... it's just that I don't really have a place for them in my life. My mom did a fine job on her own with no help, and yeah, there is room for a lot of improvement and in hindsight she did a lot of things wrong...but she was young and alone and she did the best she could.

It would be so amazing if this story could go on and on and I could see how Danni and Josh deal with the whole "Hey, so just to let you know, you have this whole OTHER family..." situation, (but I'm not that demanding, all good things must eventually much as I don't want them to.) I've met a few others in my time with split up families like that, and the result always ends up being tragic. Mine was just something I thought about for a minute and really kind of never thought about again.

Thanks for writing a great story that I can oddly enough, relate to.