I loved this chapter, personally. It's a shame that we won't get to see more class discussions like this one, since I really enjoy them quite a bit. Still, I enjoy the whole story quite a bit, so there's no worries there.
You seem to have some serious formatting problems concerning apostrophes and quotation marks. Check out the chapter to find out for yourself. That's why I always submit my stories in .txt format.
Lastly, PLEASE don't incorporate the DH Snape/Lily thing. I agree with you that it doesn't justify his character at all (he still deserves a slow and painful death), but I can't help but feel like it's unnecessary and irritating. Still, so long as you keep Snape as you say, I'll have no real complaints.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Author's response
Oh, there will still be some discussions, it just won't be the main thrust as it has in the past. There are also a few ahem... discussions still to come with Albus. As to Snape's stalking Lily, which is how their relationship would be described today, I think I will use that as the reason James is so overboard with Harry. He's been dealing with Snivellus for so long he is a bit paranoid. BJH
As for the format thing, yeah, I need to work out the issues. I normally write in word and simply cut/paste into Ficwad but I will have to work on this a bit. BJH