Review for The Acts Of Betrayal

The Acts Of Betrayal

(#) Teresa 2007-11-06 Dumbles and Snape just attempted their first shots and ended up being dropkicked with style! I think that Draco and Ron must be reading the same playbook..... something along the line that Cardinal Richelieu quoted in Disney's version of the Three Musketeers " all for one, and more for me! " It seems that the dweebs known as Ron, Ginny, and Draco think that they should have whatever and whomever they want because they say so.... so the well deservered smackdowns will be painful at best and deadly at worst. Dumbledore was a fool to think that they'd separate at that stage, and I wonder if he's intelligent enough to cut his painful losses and not try any other idiocy or attempt to either rein them in (fat chance!) or go after Neville. That could be equally suicidal on his part. Neville's come into his own, and the Potter/Black family considers him a friend and firm ally so reprisals on his behalf would be swift and nasty. I loved the dinner with the 'Puffs, and Harry has definately learned one of the first rules of married life........ make sure that you don't get between the wives and their target(s)! That undertaker line was priceless! It looks as though they'll have support from the 'Puffs and Griffyndor, and at least contacts in Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Harry and company may have also gained a potential ally in Flitwick. I wonder if Ron and Ginny have even considered what McGonagall might do to them? Ticking off one's head of house can be unwise, and unlike Daphne they don't have a leg to stand on or backup and Dumbles will drop them if they're usless to his plans. Hope Dumbles has Slughorn or someone on call, 'cause Snape's going to be history soon.....maybe even before the end of the first potions class. If so, three houses will rejoice and the fourth can start worrying about payback. I can't wait to see what the twins are up to, and that last section dealing with Voldy was good. As always, thanks for an excellent chapter and I look forward to the next! (crosses fingers, hoping for more Snape and Weasley torture!)

Author's response

Actually I don't intend for Harry to kill anyone (including and perhaps most specifically Tom) in this fic at all. Violence will be kept to a minimum. Ok, he's gonna lay a Muggle type smack down on Ron next chapter (or maybe the one after next) but that's about it.

Dumbles is going to approach Neville, but if he thinks Harry's pissed at him, he ain't seen nothing yet.

I've been married 27 years come April, so I'm imparting some marital advice to young Harry. So far he's listening to me. He has still to learn the most important bit of marital truth that a man could know. In the unlikely event the man turns out to be right following a disagreement, he should apologize immediately...

Thanks for the review