Review for The Acts Of Betrayal

The Acts Of Betrayal

(#) Cateagle 2007-11-07

Chuckle Having been married a bit over 30 years myself, I'll agree with that advice. smile It should be interesting to see how -he- learns that.

I suspect that Hogwarts is in for a more interesting Fall semester than they've seen in a while, Tournament, troll, et al. not withstanding.

Harry doesn't have to -kill- Tom, vanquishing him can be done in many ways. I suspect he's going to demonstrate that there are worse things than dying to a number of deserving parties. And I rather doubt he'll be alone in that.

snicker I can just see Daphne and Hermione sitting down to have a "talk" with Ginny. I daresay that the treatment Ron and Ginny will shortly be "enjoying" will bring Molly in for a real smackdown. It should make for fascinating watching.

Author's response

Of course Harry is still unaware of the riddle that has puzzled married men since the beginning of time: If a man is speaking in the woods, and not woman hears him, is he still wrong?