That was quite the interesting chapter and it leaves lots of interesting possibilities. I found the history of these Old Ones rather fascinating and I look forward to seeing the training they give Harry. Certainly the information they're imparting to him is going to disconcert Dumbles, at the very least. It should be interesting if he manages a heart-to-heart discussion with Dobby.
The treatment of the Dursleys was nicely done and their sentences, fair. I rather liked the final touch of the curse applied to Vernon.
'Tis a very, very enjoyable chapter. Oh, and I agree with upir comment above, I can't see Harry as an intellectual, he's too much the "man of action". On the other hand, if a considerable, informed, and trained intelligence is brought to bear on actions, the results can be world-shaping. I daresay some are going to regret their treatment of Harry.