Review for Stop. Rewind. Replay

Stop. Rewind. Replay

(#) bindie611 2007-11-18

Maaahahahahahaha!! I hope Lara falls for Will! That would be soooo funny! (By the way, I was sooo excited when I saw the update! I love this story!! dances ) ANYWAYS! I already don't like Aunt Sarah and Lara (Aunt Sarah reminds me of Aunt Sarah in Lady and the Tramp) And it's sad that Maria was mad at her at all. Sigh. I really like Jo. She's cool.
I like you too! :D Keep writing!! Can't wait.....

Author's response

Lara falling for Will. Hmmm, interesting. lol. (Thanks)
There's an Aunt Sarah in the Lady and The Tramp? COOL! (I haven't watched it for AGES) It was sad. It hurt to write it. Thanks.
Thankyou. I will.