Review for We knife strokers.....

We knife strokers.....

(#) bindie611 2007-11-21

Hahaha!! "They froze, Bob-cam slowly being lowered."
My official favourite character in this story is Bob-cam. It's just so...robotic! I love it!!
Okay, so now that I am official cheerleader, I must make up cheerleading songs and words of motivational inspiration that will make you want to write MORE OFTEN hint hint
Let's see.. "She broke his glasses, go, go! We are the knife strokers, go, GO! Go, go Kiara, go GO!"
shrugs not my best work. But I tried, really I did. And what's more...I meant it! grins
I was so pleased to see more of this story. You must update more regularly. If you like, can you/could you check out some of my stories? And comment smiles hopefully

I don't think I mentioned that I love this update. But I do. Really!

Author's response

i will certainly read your storys oh cheerleader of mine!!! :D