Review for the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

(#) bindie611 2007-12-02

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!! consider yourself invited. Seriously looks around and moves closer I think Gabe's auntee is an ALIEN!
sits back, pleased
I exorcised all the aliens from my personal hygiene products. They've gone to live inside of the children of my friends.
So I hide from these children and when I must see them I tell them amusing stories to keep their minds off eating me.
Does Gabe's auntEE use coffee teabags? cause she should. It would be such a marvellous twist.
Okeedokeeyy! I must run to hide from the attack of the children. Much love and hugses from your Woman in Black, galaxy defender buddy-in-law.
skips away to hide in dark holes with nothing but sharks with fricken laser beams on their foreheads

voice floats up
OOHHH the tea party's at 45 o'clock on the 86th day of the 15th month. Don't be late!


Kamz is a whore. :D Seriously, WHO hasn't she banged? Teehee!
MORE STORY!! OR I'LL uninvite you!

Author's response

i'll have her use those
most deff
why the children?!
what had they done?!!!
well, there's nothing you can do about it now
but isn't it more dangerous now that they're children?
they have arms and legs now!

what's more hilarious is that the real Kamz is really NOT like that
and she reads this fic
so it's funny
she hasn't read the updates though
the day she does
I'll let you know how she left my face