Review for Harry Potter and The Invincible Technomage

Harry Potter and The Invincible Technomage

(#) dialectically_yours1 2007-12-16

You know, I like Snape in canon, until about the middle of book 5, but I have got to say: GO, HARRY STARK! KUDOS! HUZZAH!

I don't see Harry as 'too mature'-- a comment from another review-- because I raised not one but two 'gifted' kids. The first is consistently mistaken for 20-22 years old, at fifteen, and the second, well, the second could've been a Weasley Triplet.

Good things: This is where I admit that I had to ask hubby about the comic book characters, because I care so little about them in general. This is where I ALSO admit that the idea is a WONDERFUL 'what if'!

Bad things: I have the patience of a gnat. Now I have to wait for another chapter. Also, the formal rating siystem isn't giving me the options for positive comments, which is FRUSTRATING TO NO END.

Thank you for being willing to not only play with an unusual idea, but to POST it.

I read parts of it aloud to hubby, by the way, and he'd like to see one of the adults in the FF drop off the new datapad, but I'd prefer it if Logan did, WEG.

Author's response

- Neither the FF nor any of the X-crew are right for delivering the replacement Datapad. Realistically (if such a term can be used in such a contrived fan fic) the Datapad needs to be delivered by magic users. By pure co-inkydink, there are a pair of magic users in the neighborhood who I've always wanted to play with a little... I'm not saying who they are, but a tried and true comics geek should get it from their first names... Brian and Megan.