Review for auditions!!!!!!!!


(#) another_disaster 2007-12-23

Name: Rayne (my real name is katie danger)
Age: uhh....19
looks: hot pink hair with black tips
personality: funny, hyper alot, ADHDish
family members, children and whatnot: no family that she knows of. no kids. worked at starbucks b4 the band.
Where you are from, state city and whatever: boise, idaho cuz boise is the bomb!
any weird habits: her pills have to set from largest to smallest on the counter before she can take them
Who you want to be with: gerard way!
anything else you want to tell me: she takes alot of pills. she likes coffee but the band doesnt let her have it for dangerous reasons. she likes to wear skinny jeans alot and random shirts that she finds at thrift stores. she likes to play drums.

that is about it
hopefully i get a part :D
xoxo katie danger o'.'o