Review for Baik


(#) IWCT 2007-12-30

Ficwad's formating issues... yes... I know it's painful. Things used to be pretty nice here when it came to formating, and then the server crashed in July/August 2007, and, well, everything's still being put back up and figured out and restored. I'm used to writing my stories with the USCB formating code anyway, since I hang around on a couple of sites that don't have instant format recognition, so now I just remember to insert the HTML tags, as well.

But yes, it 'tis a pain in the neck, especially as the stories I posted before July/August are only formatted half way. Very odd and cringy, and it means that I do have to get around to editing them one day, which isn't good when coupled with my laziness.

And Baik is mentally creepy. Like having snakes slither over your exposed brain. The picture drawn by your words is just a little too realistic. Again, it reminds me of Lewis Carrol, The Crow/, and surrealist Gothic horror. Not the spine tingly suspense horror of flicking on a light switch and seeing a Victorian doll raise the bloody knife and look at you with what might pass for an imitation of thoughtful contemplation. /Baik is not bowel wrenching horror. It's hide under your covers with a flashlight so the monsters won't get you horror.

Er, finally, just 'cause I likes a good challenge:

Baik in Indonesian (according to online translators) means good, in a divine, opportune, lucky way. Like it's good to find sugary castles to eat when you have a sweet tooth.

In Malaysian it just means good.

Author's response

Heh. Brilliant. Well, any time my writing evokes emotion is good. I don't mind horrorshow.
Yes! You're the first to get that one on either site. Well...who would you like your one-shot to be about? I'm sure you have some fiendishly wonderful idea.