This story being a rehash of Rowling's really doesn't live up to your others as far as imagination goes and I was very disappointed that Harry didn't learn any druid magic before coming to Hogwarts.
As well I don't know how Harry's foster parents, the Druids, or Dumbledore could look themselves in the mirror again. Here they knew Harry's fate and yet did nothing to help insure his being alive after facing LV as an eleven year old kid. They had him for ten years and never trained him!
Just what if they were all wrong with the love thing and Harry needed to fight? He couldn't even block the rope attack! And yet they all let him walk blindly into a trap they helped build basically hoping he would live and kill Voldemort with love.
Harry by every right should be very, very bitter, enough so that it could turn him dark. As he said they all used him, even his parents. At the most I would never want to see or talk to any of them ever again--prophesy or no.
Would love to see a sequel where the consequences to the adults who allowed this somehow lost their magic and/or Hogwarts itself did as Harry & company find other tutors in ancient ways.