Review for the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

(#) bindie611 2008-01-15

Hm, well I've been running around hectically since the new year basically, with almost no time doing anything else. There was a family reunion, a trip away to see my other relatives, and preparations for a strange wedding that I find myself reluctantly involved with. All this has made me extraordinarily busy.
Ooh hey NatNat, I was writing a story and posting it on mibba (that one I told you about), till I left mibba, and now I'm emailing it to people. If you've got time to read it and you're interested (it's not a fanfic), I'll email you what you've missed and put you on my reader list.

Oh and yay for drunken parties. I'm off to exorcise my new toothbrush! :D

Author's response

yeah i figured as much. some people actually have a family life unlike me. hahah. we're a small family so yeahh.... hahahh wedding? you gotte tell me more about that. who's getting married?
OH HELL YEEESSS!!! send it over girll!!! I totally wanna read ittt!!
why did you leave mibba?
send it right awayyy

ignore the supergay email
my cousin made for me since i was like 6 and i don't plan to change it heheh
you send: me read: me send love: everyone happy!!!