Review for The Lighter Side of Love

The Lighter Side of Love

(#) Smooth_poison 2008-01-27

sniff the last chapter and I don't think it's all there, cause surely your part doesn't end after only two lines?

Yani: snort yep, her kids. Yay!! off to Rome, lol.

Rach: Lol, yay!!! the dastardly duo back together, lol, ok yes I blame my wisdom tooth for my weird though patterns.

Emi: snort all those 'uh huh's' makes it sound like I've got my nose buried in a book, though I suppose I do it any way. Lol, he kept he promis and kept me outt jail?? awesome.

Camie: Awwwwwww a wedding. lol, trust you to be freaking out at someone elses wedding. awww is there a little camie or johnie on the way.

Kei: hmmm, only two lines? is it not loading properly?? hmmm do I have to come back and comment on this part later? surely it's not only two lines long.
