Review for Lists


(#) chibitamashi 2008-02-06

wow. . . there have only been three fanfics i've read that have ever made me cry- and this is one of them. I'm not the great of a Naruto fan (and even less of a KakaNaru fan) but I can honestly say that I'm glad I stumbled upon this ficlet of leteray art.

The character development was so subtle in some places that the questions 'why does naruto care so much about his former, most frustrating sensei's opinion,' and 'why does he seek his guidance?' fail to cross my mind. it all seems like a natural progression that lead to an implied "fruitful" relationship.

Character death in any fandom normally ticks me off, but I the way it's used here adds a touch of poignacy that makes this fanfic so unique.

Capital writing- keep up the great work!