Review for The Savior of the Damned

The Savior of the Damned

(#) asherschick 2008-02-10

So much frustration, so much pain and hatred in one chapter... That was really intense, my eyes actually did water when Frankie fell on his knees and started sobbing under the rain. I don't know how much more of this I can take, you know, but I still want more, that's just me and my masochistic ways... I can't stop putting myself in his place and wondering what I would do, I'd try not to go crazy I guess, such a nightmare - your own mother not recognizing you! Hell, learning that your whole life has been a lie, that you're probably not even a human being, that's just too much to digest all at once. I probably would have vomited like Neo does after learning about The Matrix.

Stratton can claim to be Frankie's father as long as he wants but he's just gonna stay as Mr. Dickhead. Just "creating" someone doesn't make you a father or a mother. I hope he isn't dead, though, that would be another big trauma for poor lost little Frankie. And I'm not sure he can take anymore pain at this moment.

Gerard's just... you're so good at portraying his emotions even though you're telling the story from Frank's POV. I think it's all in the eyes, I'm pretty fond of eye-contact in real life and believe that you can always know what someone's thinking, feel what someone's feeling from examining their eyes. The look Gerard gave Frank and his body language just lays it all out for us to know that how broken he actually is for the fact that he can do nothing to make things alright for Frank. Oh, my chest feels tight!

The pain the characters feel makes them all much more real in my eyes. Wow, this was really amazing.

And thank you for declaring us official reading and reviewing buddies =) You made me so proud!!!


Author's response

Wow, I'm glad it affected you so much hehe xD The next chapter is going to be very dark... hope nobody has a crisis because of it! It'll end -sort of- nice though :p

I'm glad you like how the emotions are shown through his eyes, because thats how things work in real life, like you say. I don't like switching from one point of view to another, it makes it all seem fake, and i guess you feel the same since your story is also in one point of view. It may be harder that way but its worth the effort.

Thanks for the awesome review, r/r buddy xD

< 3333333