Now, that is most definitely a classic "killer" review, literally, even, it appears. I thought, given the folks involved, that it was spot-on, too. The afterward was amusing and totally in character for Harry & Luna; I can't say that I'm surprised that Hermione decided to join them and go with the flow. Ron is going to be a tad upset and ticked-off, but, as Hermione thought, he hasn't bought a clue so he loses.
I do applaud your delightfully twisted mind with this one.
Now, perhaps the Gryffs can reply with a Gilbert & Sullivan-based show? I can see Dumbles portrayed as singing something to fit "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" while Cornelius is portrayed singing something based on "When I was a Lad". The Gyrffs in general would be singing something based on "We Sail the Ocean Blue" while a modified "I'm Called Little Buttercup" would be absolutely perfect for Luna.
Author's response
- Having received a review or two like that I can assure anyone who doesn't know they hurt...
- Ron hesitated and he lost.
- Twisted is what I do best.
- Oh no, you want a Griffs do Gilbert and Sullivan, you do it yourself. (do the one about honor) I only did this horror to kill that particular bunny once and for all. I've promised people to never do that again.