Review for We can settle this affair.

We can settle this affair.

(#) _cranium_ 2008-03-09

that was raw.
it's a good thing though, it's so different. most fics you read are romantic and peachy and full of clichés, it's nice to read something less pretty every now and then.
she's like what, 15 now? "that girl's not right in the head"... who said that? is that from a song or what? soryr it really doesn't have much to do with the chapter, except that it sounds like it was written about viola but i just had sort of a blackout and i can't remember where that line came from...

ok anywaayys... wouldn't it be just ironic if everything was a huge misunderstanding.. i mean yeah it's very obvious that donald and her mom are fucking but if it was just a misunderstanding, viola couldn't do what she's doing in the name of revenge.. and after all this, she'd be the dirty slut, not her mom.
that's the shit jacob likes. ironic and bittersweet..

Author's response

I like that too, I hate fluffy stories mainly cause it leaves me with this bitter taste like HA! this shit would never happen in real life.
That line by the way is from hang 'em high from the revenge album but I'm sure you figured it out by now.