Review for GREAT NEWS!


(#) sushifreak 2008-03-15

Are they OUT OF THEIR MIND!!!! LOL Seriously!!! I love d&j but waking up at 6 to see it... Bleh... :( I already hate waking up at 7:30 for school... But anyway, thanks a lot for posting the info at least we know the show is still on! :) And also, count on my vote for fanfriday, woo hoo!!! And for your info(you guys) theres a way of votting more than once... Hehehe... ;) you just have to click another page after they say thanks for your vote and return to vote again... Try it youll see!!! LMAO!!!
And by the way, cripycrunch you dont need an account to vote but like Sky01 said it super easy. Also, crossing fingers for later DandJ(around 4-4:30)... XD

Author's response

As I said sorry its in the morning buy hey we got it back and I will try voting more then once thanks for the tip.