Review for Harry Potter and the Distaff Side

Harry Potter and the Distaff Side

(#) Cateagle 2008-03-16

Hmm, the training is indeed intense and I suspect that Orestes is going to be resistant when Harri insists on it; that'll likely lead to him taking part, too, and learning lots that's not in books but which will help him survive to enjoy life with Harri.

The birthday present for Luna was inspired and her reaction was a bit on the amusing side. I have to wonder how long it'll take before she insists on taking Harry up on his offer.

Meanwhile, I think Senior Auror Strews just got quite a lesson in humility. After she recovers, I do have to wonder if she's going to let Tommi know what this boy can do; it seems that no one has considered the cultural conditioning he's come from; it's bound to make him stand out and I suspect he's not going to be able to avoid becoming something of a leader. Blanche may find herself with real problems as Harry and Hari & Orestes team up together in several ways. I'm definitely looking foward to the next installment.

Author's response

- Orestes will try, but not be capable of the accelerated magic that will be key to the Potter/Riddle confrontation. He and Ronnie (and Nelly, and Arthur and Luna) will be along to keep the rank and file Death Eaters off the Potter's backs.

- Next chapter

- Strews was in love with Riddle in school, and is a pure blood bigot, but she is NOT a Death Eater.

- Riddle's first indication of failure will be when the Senior Death Eaters sent into the field start coming back (in the rare occasions they do come back) with horror stories about what the Potter Girl is capable of... None of them will believe that it was the Potter Boy who handed them their heads.

- And no, Dumblette will not be thrilled about the lack of control she has over the Potters.