Review for When Vernon Didn't Miss

When Vernon Didn't Miss

(#) sparky40sw 2008-03-17

Lots of twists in the chapter, and if the twit who reviewed a little higher up lacks the imagination to understand that somethings happen off stage - it is his loss.
The Ravenclaw sisterhood is a nice touch - I have only rarely seen fics where real house unity is exploited in the plot - I like this as a way show how those bonds created by long proximity during adolescence can influence lifetimes.
nice betrayal on Voldie's part - most authors show him ignorant of the muggle world, or contemptous of all things mundane, which seems inaccurate for someone who grew up there for the 1st 10 years.

thanks for writing and sharing - I have very much enjoyed your works over the last 2 years (since I found them) and if you do go to writing non fiction, can you leave links to it in your yahoo group please?
warm regards