Review for GREAT NEWS!


(#) crispycrunch 2008-03-17

wow rlly? :) ur so nice XD and ur probably right bout if every1 starts 2 watch it @ 6 it might be back to 4:00p.m. ....... well ok then.. ill probably sing up soon :) thnxs alot! u wake up @ 7:30!! ur soo lucky! i have 2 wake up @ 5:50!!! :P lmao ur right thou but hopefully it changes :) ... HAHAHAHA i actually went on the fanfridai one this week.. its not there :( but i didnt notice that sushifreak!! MORE THAN ONCE!! LOL ... ok then i might as well sing up thnxs XD :P haha yess cross fingers!!!! :D woo

Author's response

Aww thanks and sorry that you have to wake up at 5:50am If it makes you feel any better I have to wake up at 6:00am but now since the show going to start at 6:00am I will have to wake up at 5:45am. P.S I'll notify you if they change the times for the show.