Review for Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

(#) poo 2008-03-18

I created this account solely to read your work. A great piece.

I'm not going to pretend its the best piece I've ever read - one particular piece I read (that has unfortunately not been updated in a long time) lives on a whole different plain to any other fanfiction I've found. However, your piece lies somewhere between some of the better pieces I've read and the above mentioned extraordinary piece.

Congratulations on a job well done, continue the work for us all - its a great story. Also enjoyed the great side story that you made about the hunting Huldr - VERY good smut, hope you write some more similar pieces. Lots more.

Author's response

OK, now I'm officially blushing.

I set out to entertain myself, and now i have 2k readers a week. That's insane. There are so many stories out there that i believe to be better, but i tend to go with public opinion. :)

The dream is to get some non-smutty work out and get an invitation by Jeconais to FFA.

No, that won't happen, i know.

There's another fic in the making, and even a third that's on the rough sketch stage. I intend to keep writing for a LOOONG time.

