Review for Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

(#) toranosuke 2008-04-03

I read over half of this story and I tried to like it, I really did but I'm sorry because I'm going to have to leave a pretty negative review.

To be honest your writing style could use some work but that'll come with practice, and the porn is enjoyable as well.

The problem is the complete lack of an enemy. Harry is now super-powered, has everything he could ever want and appears able to crush any opposition. It's annoying how the bad guys only get a chance to accomplish something if they're lucky and not because they're on equal footing, this makes them pathetic and uninteresting (and as a result, the story). Draco stunning Harry and breaking his nose in HBP is interesting, Nott shooting Harry is a desperate attempt to inflict some damage is not.

What makes a great many fics enjoyable is that the hero has difficulties achieving his goals, the rest are either one-shots or comedies that don't necessarily need problems as they can get in the way of all the fun (depending on the story of course).

Your story is what many would call 'porn with a plot' but the plot, as interesting as it could be with all the elements you've added, fails as the story as it is is incapable of having a climax (not in the sexual sense) and therefore has no real goal or point.

Sounds terrible, I know but I really had to let that out.

Author's response

Hate to shock you, but the enemy will will. Harry doesn't stand a chance.

Voldemort? With some competent people in charge, CanonVoldie wouldn't have stood a chance. I had to search Reality to find a good enemy, and I did. I just won't spell it out.


Will WIN, should it have been. Oh, and there's no such thing as a negative review. I do need to know what the readers think, whether I act on it or not.
