Review for Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

(#) toranosuke 2008-04-03

Obviously I was only talking about the the 2/3 or so of your story, so it's about time the enemy gets something done.

I mayl try to continue reading this now that you said that, but if I do I'll reserve my right to criticize =P

Author's response

Oh, just don't expect battles or things like that. The enemy is quite different. If you want the more standard approach of Hero Vs. Villain, there's 500.000 such stories out there, and there's no point in wasting your time with this one. After all, I'm not writing a book, I'm amusing myself. Everybody has the right to criticize. As long as there's a point to it, it's a good thing. If there's no point, I don't read it, or as i said in the very first chapter, I taunt it. You had a very good point. I need to make it more obvious, obviously.
