Review for Summer of Contracts

Summer of Contracts

(#) SomeGuyFawkes 2008-04-14

Bang up start! Thoughtful, canon-plausible, and intriguing. Grammar, spelling and typography were all excellent too.
I guess I've been reading too much of the also-rans, because I almost forgot how good fanfic could be.

First thought: "Aargh! You're hiding great new stories at still another site! (We need a fanfic site aggregator.)"
Second thought: "Lover's mark! Oh, hell. Did he catch the dang harem bug?"

Love how your Harry doesn't stop to think how he can read Voldy's book! Typical. ;-)

"learning far, far more about Voldemort's sexuality than he wanted to."
Hoo Hah!

(1) "glass vials in the draw" should be "glass vials in the drawer".
(2) "that was the only draw" should be "that was the only drawer".
(3) "tired since your grandfather died" should be "tired since your godfather died".