haha review whore!
you did the thingy where you write in first person which i love and makes the story unique. and can i get a collective awwwww... egan and gerard! the natural progression of their relationship is really amazing writing. instead of the boring "i luv u" "no i luv u" you make their relationship life-like.
love it! keep it up!
Author's response
Yes, yes I am. And I am okay with that.
Yes! Absolutely! Yay for Gerard and Egan! I am very happy for this little sweet moment they had. HOWEVER, this DOES NOT mean they will get together or have any sort of romantic relationship. Egan has a mama streak a mile wide, and Gerard really was in a bad way. The mere thought of needles was making him physically ill. There is a strong possibility she was just being sweet. Please, PLEASE PLEASE keep that in mind. I think I'm gonna note that in my next chapter.
And I will keep it up.