Review for Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

(#) Karasu-sama 2008-04-22

I've come to realize that...I have a bit of a problem concerning the leaving of reviews for stories such as yours. It's not as though English isn't my first language, or that I have any kind of vocabularic deficiency, I just--I need more words! I need more words to be able to describe just how fantastic and wonderful and well-written and delightfully erotic your story is without turning it into some insane sounding positive-feedback-loop-driven hyperbole....Well, I suppose I did alright just then, but I still feel the need for more.

I love what you've done. No one has handled the so-called "uber!harry" sub-genre with as much pure, unmittigated awesome as you have. And, obviously, the fact that I'm pretty big on Norse mythology myself, means that this is, by far, the best fic I've ever read. I mean, even if, for example, I was a bit miffed at how Odin got a bit snubbed in your fic, it's not as though I didn't understand WHY. Yeah, it does seem like Odin, much like Zeus and Jehovah and every other "chief" god of pretty much every pantheon, does have a tendency to act like an utter prick now and again. But even when your not true to the original mythos, I find myself not caring because it's all just so well written in its romance and epic that it all fits anyhow. I mean, the way you dealt with Fafnir? Holy shit! I actually squee'd. I NEVER squee!

And speaking of hyperbolizing...
anyway, Vanir, you god of sex, drugs and rock n' roll, you, keep on doin' what your doin'. And quick! I need another chapter like the gods need Idun's apples. Keep up the fantastic work!