Review for As Of Yet, Untitled.

As Of Yet, Untitled.

(#) linerlover 2008-04-22

aww i really love the food fight with frankie and egan. probably because its realistic and i could see myself doing it.
also really liked the 'mama streak' (love the very name also) and the whole gerard the insanely cute lost puppy thing was... well. im not really sure how to describe it.
and the theif, con and frankies wallet. loved that.
gives cookie for being made of WIN

Author's response

When I wrote about Egan and Frank's wallet, I had a moment where I was like "Is this too cliche?" But I put it in anyway, because I am a sucker for it.

Yeah, I really wanted everyone to know that Gerard was feeling very poorly. I wanted to kind of give him a stuffy nose, teary eyed five year old image. Like he's rubbing sleep out of his eyes, being all precious and whatnot.