Review for As Of Yet, Untitled.

As Of Yet, Untitled.

(#) darkviolet 2008-04-24

What the fuck?! How could I miss so much chapters??! Now I'm all behind sniffles

Kay I really enjoyed how realistic Gerard's phobia, I mean a lot of fics mention that he's scared of needles but they treat it lightly probably cause he always jokes about it but I loved how you stepped it up and took it to another level. Not only did you portrayed the feeling accurately but you used it like to develop their charechters instead of just using that to make Gee look cute.

I also really like her and Frankie together, they could good friends but I still don't see them as lovers.

P.S I'm a fellow comment whore...Terrible terrible condition, isn't it?

Author's response

Thank you! It's good that you're sad that you missed chapters. To me at least.

Gerard's reaction was a direct parallel of my reactions to needles. I have panic attacks, but I didn't want him freaking out in the shop, so I brought it down a little to just extreme queasiness and an overall feeling of ill health.

It is just such a terrible, terrible affliction. Really, I don't understand how we carry on.