Review for Harry Potter and the Distaff Side

Harry Potter and the Distaff Side

(#) Cateagle 2008-05-01

Good cliffie there and the chapter widened the backstory of this world a bit more and we, the readers, get a better understanding of it. 'Twill be interesting to see who kidnapped Harry and why, I can see both benign and malign possibilities here based on earlier parts of the chapter. I'm not going to ask just how far Luna and Harry got intimate, that's for them to tell if/when they wish to.

I did like the Hufflepuff Council and the presence of alumni; finding it somewhat amusing that Moody would be one of them. I rather suspect they'll play a role in the resolution of matters.

Author's response

- Hey, Paranoid Disfigured phychopaths can be hard working team players too you know...

- Re: Harry and Luna: Heavy breathing, perhaps a bit of manual manipulation, a lick or two, but no more... They're just 15 after all...

- The Hufflepuff Council is my answer to the shadowy and mysterious (visualize wiggling fingers if you're a Sluggy Freelance fan) Ravenclaw Coven that show up in so many fics. I may even introduce a team of cooperative Wetwork specialists to assist in De-Dark Ladying the place...