Review for Elementary Calculations

Elementary Calculations

(#) Immortal7 2008-05-18

With harry now being forced to enter the wizarding world I feel the Albus will wish that he had not interfered. I see Albus trying to get the Weasley's to bring Harry closer to the light side and failing. It will be interesting to see just how the presence of such a hate filled yet obviously intellegent Harry shape the lives of other first year students. I see Hermione becoming more distrustful of the staff if Harry brings proof or the wrong doings. They also a might form a more sympathic closeness based off of his prior muggle acomplishments or distance depending on how you write her character. Padma may also play a huge factor.

With your Harry though I can't see him placed in Slythern since for a house that is for the cunning it let if Crabbe and Goyle. And a major Draco character rewrite would be in order. With virturely uncrafted characters like Daphne and Tracy it might be interesting, but I'm rambling about a future that has yet to be. Great story so far and I hope with Albus's current betrayel McGonagall even if he isn't a lion helps help Harry crush the old headmaster. Later