Review for Stuttering


(#) falloutbaby89 2008-06-10


I love Patrick and Cali. They are the epitome of cute. So really we need them back together. For the babies at least then it can lead to them all together. Patrick besta be getting betta. Or all hell break loose.

Gin and Joe need each other too. What is wrong with these kids can't they just love each other and stop distancing themselves. Joe still doesnt even know about the oncoming baby. Gin needs to speak soon before he gets mad again. I don't think we can handle anymore drama.

Of course I am thankful for both udates darlings. I totally went back to 10th grade when you put Mariah Carey's 'Mine Again' in the story. I even listened to it while I read. I love how you guys put such great songs on your story. It's great.

Much love