Review for You Remind Me Of A Former Love.

You Remind Me Of A Former Love.

(#) xoconverse 2008-06-28

I thought it was so great!
I love the way you describe the characters!
And in the authors note, on chapter 4, i think it is, i love your adjectives! And when you said no one wanted to read this, i totally disagreed! This was great, what i just wrote is total shit compared to this! (I dont think im that much of a writer, im trying though) haha. great job!

Author's response

Aweee. :]
Well, thank you.
That gives me quite the confidence boost, actually.
I usually fret and fear that my writing isn't too good, but I'm glad you think so. :]

And no need to bring yourself down. Every writer has their own style.

Thank you for the review. It made really happy.
Especially since this week has taken a turn for the worst. =/

Alas, it might resolve soon.

Nonetheless, I'm glad you like the story. :]