I found the pace appropriate to what was being covered to keep the story plausible; you're managing to weave information in without being too overt about it. I thought the various discussions about 'The Talk' were amusing and I offer my opinion that Dan and Xeno really ought to take part for the reasons other reviewers have mentioned. I rather suspect that we're going to see some interesting dynamics between Harry, HErmione, and Luna and this reader rahter hopse they settle into a group relationship simply because Harry can use too such divergent abd intelligent views (to borrow from Marx, theiss - antithesis -> synthesis) which taken together will yield better advice than either, separately.
Author's response
Thanks Cateagle,
If I were a betting man, I'd lay odds on Dan's attempt to escape the talk failing. I also think it's altogether possible that some of the other blokes like Xeno and Alastor might pop into a pub for a Guinness or two at an opportune moment...
As for the H/L/Hr, it's becoming more likely that it'll happen in some form or another.. not sure yet. As far as the polling goes, every vote now is going to the triplet (Currently 73% in favour).