And I love Gerard because not only is his gorgeous in the nonconventional sense, but I love him because of all his flaws too.
He's not going to bullshit you and pretend like its easy to get over an addiction, its not. I relate with a lot of his problems [boy how stereotypical do I sound]
He lost a ton of weight from his highschool year and so have I.
He has an addiction to fru fru coffee drinks, and sadly, so do I. XP
Gerard sees things through a different point of view. He loves heroes and fantasy. Sometimes it seems to blend in with his real life. I totally get it because sometimes I'm caught up in my own world.
I even love the fact that sometimes he's awkward as hell and you can just TELL that he has no freaking idea how to be some sort of leading role model for teenagers, when he himself slips up a ton.
I love him because his passion for music shines through his voice. Helena was the first song I ever saw, and the way he pulls his face down in such sheer agony-I'd never seen such passion. He didn't need to remember any lyrics-they were coming from his soul.
He isn't just another lead singer.
This is who he is.