Review for Auditions for my new story guys i need you!.

Auditions for my new story guys i need you!.

(#) Helloangel 2008-08-07

I love Gerard because I can relate so much to him. How stereotypical do I sound?
Hear me out.

After Gerard left highschool, he lost a ton of weight.
From what we've seen with his drug abuse, alcoholic tendencies, and even with the weight thing-he has an addictive personality.
I can totally relate to that, and I understand how much pain that must be.
And then you have to bite your tongue and go on stage and be some sort of role model for teenagers.

And you know he doesn't know exactly how to do this. He's not perfect. But that's what makes him wonderful.

He's not going to bullshit you, or try to make his drug addiction glamorous or anything. He doesn't follow the stereotypical 'rocker' life style.
He can be clean and sober AND respect women.

Just cause he's famous doesn't give him right to be an asshole, and he totally understands that.

He loves fantasy as do I and sometimes I feel like he and I both tend to blend our lives with fantasy as he relates some of the mean people in our lives as vampires. With my adoration of literature, I've always found myself a little spacey too.

Through My Chemical Romance, I'm not going to bullshit you. I'm sorry, I love the whole band. But it was his performance alone in the Helena vid that had me breathless and bound to become an MCR fan. The way he cried, kneeling down next to that casket. He wasn't performing a vid, he was pouring out his soul. He's passionate!

And how could I not love that?

And hey, just for kicks and giggles, lemme also mention that he is gorgeous to boot in a kind of nonconventional sense ^_~