he's in complete denial, ok let's assume she carved diana's name on herself. first of all how fucking sick would that be? second, he assumed she'd done it cause she was jealous which means she would've carved the name on her flesh not so long ago. even a clueless guy such a gerard has got to know that wounds don't heal that fast. of couse i haven't it but i believe the wounds look as old as they are... so anyway, what the fuck is up with gerard?
though i' just pretending i don't find this entertaining. she can't call hi spineless now, can she? lol. i kinda like the new gerard in soe weird kinky way :D
Author's response
lol I knew you'd love the new badass Gerard!
You know what's funny? You had all these smart reasonable arguments to why she didn't carve Diana's name on herself while my only excuse was that the letters would have been upside down if she did it herself. Lol I should not be allowed near normal people.