Review for Deadlines


(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2008-09-16

Oh thank you for updating!

i am so loving this story. i love Bob and Jill together. he is such a gentle soul and so genuine and caring.

also love the snippets of Gerard and his relationship, and Frankie's response to that!

and bless Mikey! Thanks for those added extras, it is interesting to see what's going on on the sidelines.

don't stress yourself over anything to do with this story cos there is no need.

thank for all your author's responses also. i look forward to reading those too!

Author's response

Wow thank you. I'm so pleased people believe in Jill and Bob. Things won't always be so sweet. I kind of figure him to be really nice under that tough guy image.

Thank you so much for being so kind, i think i'm addicted to writing this because i just can't seem to stop at the moment.

I love reading the reviews people leave too, gives me a good kick to keep going :)