Review for Deadlines


(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2008-09-28

oh great update!

haha poor Bob at the end! but what a sweetie, always thinking of Jill first. that's so lovely.

poor Gerard, he plays the tortured soul so well bless him! i'm interested as to where that leads.

i am also loving Frank! well what's not to love with Frankie! very concerned about Gerard, so is that just pure friendship or something else?

anyway i love this! thanks so much for updating!

Author's response

My chapter has gone green - That's totally awesome.

I hope i have made Jill and Bob believable and i really appreciate your reviews. I can't help but write Gerard kinda tortured and taking things to his heart.

I'm so pleased you like the way i write Frank. I love Frankie so it's a huge compliment. Frank is very protective of Gerard but it's a brotherly friendship.