Review for Deadlines


(#) Moonshyne 2008-10-08

Hi there Neve,

Thanks for the little dedication, I loved them fighting over the record. I can so see that.

Bob and Jill are just so cute together I could just picture the smile on his face when she came out of the hotel all dissheveled and how sweet it was when he carried her off to bed.

I just loved reading this story and as usual can't wait for more.

Author's response

Hi, Thank you for reviewing. I wasn't planning to post so soon but i'm kind of stuck so i thought i would post what i had done so far.

I've made Gerard a bit whiny so i wanted to write a funnier bit about him.

In terms of Bob and Jill, they only have a short time left. aaaggghhhh i really hope you like what i do with them.