Review for Deadlines


(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2008-10-09

Aaaah thanks so much for updating!

the way you write Bob and Jill together is so lovely. and he called her Jilly! so sweet.

and i love how you portray Gerard. sleepy Gerard is too lovely! i was giggling at the Iron Maidon record part! Jill falling for the Gerard manipulation and your description of him like a "flapping bird!" i could actually picture it!

thanks so much and keep up the good work!

oh and i love Muse also!

Author's response

Thank you so much, i couldn't resist putting a sleepy Gerard in there so i'm glad you liked the image of him being like that. I love writing Ray too i guess he's a straight to the point kind of guy and there's a pissed off Ray in my next update.