Review for Connection of the opposites

Connection of the opposites

(#) lilaclove 2008-11-02

Mary-sue is the definition for a character who is too flawless. heres an example of a mary sue chacter
Bio: (this is where it gets mary sue) Beautiful blonde hair and Brown Eyes Tan, Slim, Sporty, Shes smart and pretty and funny but she has a sad past her mom and dad died in a fire so she grew up in an oprpahege where they beat her and made fun of her.
if your chracter is too perfect or if he/she is perfect but with a terrible past and no one can relate to her at all. she may come of as perfectto the creator but to others she leaves an evrlasting impression of "annoying, and too perfecct" if your chracter is going to be perfect make sure the writing is deep and detailed, if its not then it will come of as ameture
_ i hope i helped hun!

Author's response

I'm gonna make her a bit of a violent character later on. The better everyone gets to know her, the more bitchier she'll become. I'd explain more but I'd give away my storyline. In any case, she's going to be trouble...
Thanx, you're a lot of help