Review for If Wishes Were Hippogriffs

If Wishes Were Hippogriffs

(#) Sorvik 2008-12-29

I fell in love with this story almost instantly. There are many Harry/Multi(harem) stories out there. However few that are more than just find them-f**k them stories. Going great so far so keep up the good work.

I may have missed it somewhere, but have we seen Dumbledore's reaction to this new Harry? With the order gaurding the prophecy he still thinks tommy is trying to trick Harry. With Proffesor 'Potter' now showing herself he will know as will the rest of the world. How will he react?

Can't wait for the rest, now only if some other authors would post as much in a single chapter, or keep posting after a few chapters the world would be in great shape!


Author's response

Wow! Thanx, Tony.
I’m overwhelmed, truly.
I do try to make sure that my characters are emotionally connected, to the point of interdependency. In my experience that makes for the most satisfying sex.
Funny you should mention Dumbledore as he is featured in chapter 31, “Siberia.” The headmaster is all about simplifying his life these days, he just wants to concentrate on the needs of the school and its students – it’s a good change, IMHO.
There is no need to guard the prophesy, as Harry has already revealed it’s contents in the Wizengamot.
It hasn’t quite struck home yet that Minerva is now “Professor Potter.”
As far as my writing methods (and goals).
Step 1: Write everyday,
Step 2: Always finish the story,
Step 3: Revise what’s been written.
Step 4: Return to Step 1.