Review for 17 Days

17 Days

(#) HellOnHigh9 2009-01-04

The P.O.V switch thing was interesting to read and Im liking the dream sequences at the beginning of each day they're interesting to read.

As for this 'Day' it made me lose hope and feel depressed. I know that sounds weird and stuff, but the world is a fucking bleak place and a lot of bad shit happens and its hard to ignore it and try to focus on the good especially if it's a constant battle to try and put even the smallest of smiles on your face or to make it through the day itself.

As for the ending of this chapter it reminded me of the Phoenix bird that I first heard about in the harry potter books. Gerard's re-birth is like that. He's a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Looking forward to Day 9. Rate forthcoming.


Author's response

This day was a weird one. I mean, I only "talk" about the middle of the night part here. There of course was a whole day where other shit happened, but none of it was as important as the middle of the night part here.

After going through the stuff that I have, I just personally felt that in order to feel any better you have to get to the lowest point you can get to and it was death, but I didn't want to die. So I came up with the whole metaphor.

You're right though, sometimes the world is just shit. Anytime I feel like that, I always tell myself that it's ok to feel that every now and then. It's reality. And then inevitably something will come along to put me in a better mood.

The Phoenix rising from its own ashes is a mythological story in many ancient cultures =D