Review for 17 Days

17 Days

(#) girlinthemoon 2009-01-05

I know what was going on in the 8:08 section. Lol… Gerard had an erection. Or you could call it “Morning Wood”. ;) Very normal if you’re clean and sober. But if you haven’t had it in awhile, then….I guess you could be surprised to have it happen. And an interesting way to show the he is in fact getting better.

The dream, man I get dreams like this when I’m stressed out too. I think it’s because that’s when I grind my teeth. It’s never a good dream. Ever!

I’m glad to see that Kat was disappointed too. And I thought it was insightful to see what she thought of all of it. You should tell iwillstakeyourheart she did a great job on her part of this. I told you that I was disappointed in Gerard for having that drink but I didn’t go into why I was disappointed. It was the fact that he was able to find the strength to not drink that beer. But then he had the “last drink”. I just say it as a bit of a cowardly thing to do. But, I’ve never been in his shoes and I don’t know if I would have had the strength to not have that drink.

So do I get a cookie?

Author's response

*gives you a cookie* lol Yeah. That ain't happening if you're wasted all the time.

I get this other dream I call a stress dream where there's this giant tidal wave I'm trying to get away from and of course never do. I've heard other people talk about the teeth falling out one though. Never good.

Yeah ... the not drinking the beer thing ... Personally, I think if I wouldn't have gotten pissed and broke the damn bottle, I probably would have drank it. : /



Watched "Free Enterprise" last night. That was great. I got every single geeko drop in that thing. LOL And I loved the recreation of the "runner" scene from Logan's Run (one of my all time favs) xD