Review for 17 Days

17 Days

(#) olinda_13 2009-01-07

lol i loved the couch part made me smile i dont really blame the dad though i mean my dads the same only im not allowed to date till im 30 -.-

you poor thing with your cat lol that happened to me this morning i was on our old dodgy computer reading sum lovely fan fiction [porno lol] and all of a sudden i get this feeling of being watched to i turn around and theres my cat just standing or sitting there staring at me its like she was using mind powers going give"me my morning food before i attack you leg"then while i was trying to put the food in her bowl she wouldnt wait i had to keep pushing her away :/ if i didnt love my baby i would seriously take her across the road and thrown her in the ocean.

Author's response

Yeah, I can understand the dad's perspective, but there's being protective, and then there's being rude, ya know? I have a funny feeling though that one day I'm going to end up with a daughter of my own, and then I'm going to try to remember to NOT be that dad who sits on the couch and glares at the guy she's with! LOL

Cats are very demanding. They sleep all day though, so at least they're not at you like 24/7 with the "me me me" stuff. But yeah, we love our cat =D