(#) Sassy 2009-01-08
You are truly a genuine inspiration. Your story can't be an easy one to tell, but some of the things you've said about how the tablets stop working have really hit home and I think I need to deal with a demon of my own now. I've 'tried' many times before and not succeeded - largely because I haven't really believed I could and gave up. But this time, I really believe I can.
Thank you :)
Sas x
Author's response
That's really inspirational to hear!
And seriously, when I was going through that I did go on the web and look that stuff up (and realized not only that TONS of people were in the same boat but also that the meds do indeed have a high percentage of just stopping working and the docs will just prescribe the next one on the list and so on) and I also went to a couple alternative medicine docs (one was Chinese medicine and one was a naturopathic doc) who really helped me out. I did a lot more detoxing beyond those initial 3 weeks. It wasn't until a couple months later that I went to the alternative people. I think more than anything though, the Chinese stuff really worked on me (crazy tea herbs and acupuncture). What's awesome about those people is they don't just treat symptoms - they try to get at the root problem and fix that. For me, my body was so screwed up from the damage I'd done that once it was corrected, the symptoms disappeared. So yeah, there really is hope out there that you don't have to "rely" on a pill. And of course, there's still things that depress me, but hey, if I can get through something like what I wrote about in "And Through It All ..." WITHOUT pills, I can get through anything.
I believe you can do it too.